Trip to London

A couple of weeks ago Jack and I went to London for the weekend. Whilst we were there we went to see Waitress, this was my second time going to see the West End show and it did not disappoint! This show is incredibly wonderful, it will makes you laugh and cry, it takes you on a whirlwind of emotions and i feel i connects with a lot of people which is why it is so flippin' good.

As well as seeing the show Jack and I went to one of our favourite places in London, Carnaby Street. Carnaby Street has a special place in my heart as I feel it is such a cultural place where everyone can be themselves, which makes me very HAPPYYY. Kingly Court in Carnaby is home to my favourite bakery, Crumbs and Doilies. Jack and I always buy a little goody from there when we visit, I had an apple crumble cheesecake which was delightful! and Jack had a mint choc chip cupcake. Crumbs and Doilies' owner 'Cupcake Jemma' also has a YouTube channel ( which she posts a lot of recipes on, I have made a few, all of her recipes are absolutely delicious!

We also spent time in Covent Garden, I love it here as it is beautiful and it has a lot of knick-knack shops which I LOVE. Tbh Jack and I love to people watch and mooch about so we spent a lot of time doing this.


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