Lockdown Shenanigans

Well, I think I jinxed myself when I said this year was going to be good. 

How is everyone coping with lock-down? I have to say, I am coping better than I thought I would. Although, all the days mash into one I am trying to build a routine, as much as I can have a routine in these crazy times. I must admit I am finding my lazy side and have realised I really do like chilling, lol. However I am thoroughly enjoying my daily walks and discovering new activities that I enjoy but I am watching A LOT of television.

What am I enjoying during lock-down?

  • Puzzles
  • Reading. Fearne Cotton's books are really helping learn a lot about myself, highly recommend. :)
  • Knitting
  • Colouring
  • Doodling
  • Scrap booking (this is my favourite)
  • Making playlists
  • Looking after Ned and Pewter
  • TikTok  
  • Baking
  • Self-care
I am really enjoying noticing and appreciating the little things in life. Throughout this lock-down Jack and I have been living separately and not been able to see one another. This has been particularly hard for me as we haven't spent a day a part in 3 years. But, this time apart has made us appreciate one another more, recently I made him a collage of all our anniversary cards which made me notice all the kind words we have written each other over the years. Sometimes you don't take the time to appreciate things in the moment, I will definitely try to from now on because you just don't know.

What have I been watching?
  • One Tree Hill. This is an american television programme which is on Amazon Prime. I started watching this series because I had read Chad Micheal Murray was in it. OMG. This show did not disappoint, I cannot recommend this series enough, it has everything: drama, music, high school, teen pregnancy, teen marriage, fashion. I could go on, if you like Gossip Girl you will LOVE this. Unfortunately I have finished the series now but I am sure I will be rewatching it in the coming years.
  • Twilight Saga. I have also rewatched all the twilight films, they were even better the second time around!
  • The O.C. After I finished watching One Tree Hill I started watching The O.C. which is good but compared to OTH I am just not enjoying it as much, sadly. 
  • New Girl. I started watching this series on Netflix because my sister suggested it as she thinks the main character (Jess) reminds her of me. I take this as a massive compliment, thanks Nicole. The series is really good! More of a relaxed vibe like, Brooklyn 99 or Friends. 20 minute long episodes makes it fun and easy to watch, still on series 1 but definitely would recommend so far.
  • Disney Plus. What a game changer! I am absolutely loving Disney Plus, I feel 11 years old again, it's amazing. I have watched just about all of the Disney Channel Original Movie's and my old favourite movies. 
  • Catfish the TV show. This is a show I have watched on and off for years, I love it. On the surface it is drama and entertainment but below to surface it reveals a lot of vulnerable and unhappy personalities. Nev and Max (the co-hosts) place no judgement upon the people they meet and understand that the majority of these 'Catfish' have underlying issues which they need help with, they aren't evil they just need a push in the right direction.
Please let me know what you have been enjoying during these though times? I love trying new things! but most of all please stay safe and stay POSITIVE. In times like these it is easy to slip into that dark place of no hope and negativity but please, talk. A problem shared is a problem halved, I have practiced this and believe it to be true.

Write soon,

Holly x


  1. Despite spending too much time watching TV shows and movies on NetFlix I have never watched any of the shows you mentioned. Maybe I'll try watching 'New Girl'.
    I love your (excellent) advice to stay safe and stay positive!!!
    I love the photos you included her.
    The fun flying carpet fantasy artwork, the photos of your cute guinea pigs, and both photos of you looking fabulous and happy.
    P.S.: Do you have a YouTube channel or a Twitter?

    my blog
    my YouTube
    my Twitter

    1. Thank you so much! you are my first ever comment!!!!
      I definitely recommend 'New Girl', thank you so much. I do not have a youtube channel but always wanted to start one, have you?


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